My Process

No two pieces of my work are the same underneath.  Each one has a life of its own with layers of paint.  Sometimes I will add other elements including concrete, mud, oils, graphite and resin.

As far as application, I frequently use my bare hands, along with brushes, palate knives and kitchen tools among other things.  I often find the feeling I am trying to convey is achieved by uncovering and scraping off some of the historic layers.

I let my intuition lead me through the process… some paintings will not be done for years, others can be complete in a week.

When doing a commission I work from photos of the space where the painting will live, referring to the other elements in the room and using those as a guide.  Lighting is critical to how the art will tell its story and must always be considered.

I challenge myself and grow by  studying with other artists, including Gary Bodner, Melissa Payne Baker, Leslie Saeta, Laura Langford, Leslie Newman and Susan Westmoreland.  To be an artist, is to be a lifelong student.


  • Spotlight On Art, Atlanta 
  • Westside Market, Roswell
  • Westside Market, Atlanta
  • Ventulett Gallery,  Atlanta
  • ArtStream Atlanta
  • Ann Jacob Gallery, Highlands
  • The Bird and the Bee, Smyrna


  • Atlanta High Museum Auction
  • Feed my Lambs
  • Atlanta Speech School
  • Grateful Hearts
  • Covenant House
  • Sandy Springs Community Assistance Center